Thursday, 19 November 2009


It was pointed out to me that I left out "e" in my last blog. Not a conscious choice and I guess I was just so excited I even had a list that went as far as "e" that in my excitement i forgot all about it. I'll have an "e" please Bob. Remember those heady days as a student watching Going for Gold?
Do you remember going out and getting drunk (triple vodka for £1!) and coming home after the pubs closed and making about 25 rounds of cheese on toast?
And then sitting around the tiny TV scoffing the cheese on toast which didn't do much other than make the house smell not-damp and perhaps delay the going-to-bed-with-a-spinny-head moment after stabbing your (well, mine, really) eyes in a desperate attempt to get the over-used-under-cleaned-contact lenses out of the eyes before falling into comatose sleep?
I don't understand how any student every really learns anything given that 4/5ths of the time spent at University or College is generally spent being pissed or high or asleep or drinking tea in a fuzzy state of morning-after-the-night-before-recovery at 1pm. How I scraped my degree - given that I wasn't even interested (at the time) in more than 2 of my courses, and for one of the courses I didn't attend a single seminar (god forbid - the idea of 'talking about my idea's on the topic' just made me want to hurl the 25 rounds of cheese on toast from the night before... - I had no idea's on any topic other than 'how much is that cheese sandwich?' 'can I afford a whole bottle of wine?' 'does To-Be-Husband fancy me or his flatmate Rosie who is small and has a square head and a northern accent?'... I basically was shitting myself permanently that they'd find out that actually I didn't have much more than 2 brain cells to rub together...) well, its beyond me.
I didn't get busted by the academics.
A bit like at school - I think I was the only one of the gang not to get busted for being utterly pissed most weekends of the 6th form - although I think my tutor once turned a blind eye as he saw me and a bunch of retrogrades quaffing Somerfield Cider and chugging Silk Cut in a field of long grass one lazy summer afternoon. I seem to have always just scraped by... not quite catching the eye of anyone in a position to whup my arse and tell me to pull my socks up. Go read the goddamned chapter in the book what you are meant to have read for this weeks seminar.
And it's funny how now that I am a responsible adult with a Husband, children and a house and a green Volvo with flat tyres and even a credit card, the idea of Education and learning actually interests me. Although I wouldn't necessarily want to do an exam. I still have anxiety dreams about Exams. Always my maths gcse... (which actually came into use this afternoon as I had to COUNT a lot of Christmas Trees that came into the Garden Centre freshly cut from Denmark... - I got up as high as 140! I think that was stretching my record by a few digits.)
Anyway. All enthused about students and that. Not sure why but it's something to do with that "e" from before.
Cheese on toast anyone?

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