Monday, 30 November 2009

God what a weekend. I don't know who invented them but after a week of working and heaving kids around London like a regular skivvy I like the idea of sitting on the sofa drinking Lapsang Souchong (some people say its actually cat-pee, but I like to beg to differ) reading the magazine of the Guardian (its the only part that makes sense to my brain-cell-deprived head). Instead what happens at weekends is that it's suddenly really really really really majorly important to fill every waking moment with activities cooking friends car journeys shopping trips swimming golf theatre meeting new babysitters stressing out the toddler getting to D after making stops at A-B-C arguments about taking public or private transport... and the thing is everything is really good fun and really wholesome and refreshing from the norm of the week previous or following but it doesn't permit for sitting on the sofa drinking cats pee and looking at bonny photos arranged elegantly by the Guardian staff. So its Monday night and I just want to run through a few of the highlights and low-lights of the weekend.
Saturday started with a hangover (low) - (4 people 5 bottles of wine strange carb-free supper = painful head in the morning) but hangover was soaked a bit by (high) croissants and toast supplied by MotherInLaw.
Then there was cooking (soup / cake) and friends for lunch (high). That's nice friends for lunch. Sit around chatting and controlling kids and not allowing them cakes (high) until they're near breaking with frustration (they all know which cupcake they HAVE to have... and little dirty fingers keep prodding them and putting stick and ugsome marks on them... OK! please! take! stuff in face! don't choke! and if you do, please choke the crumbs onto your parent not my table or floor...).
Then there was walk in park (avoid dog poo don't fall over on skin-grating pavement, if you do please put snotty crying face on appropriate parents leg). Parking ticket (low).
Rain (low). Cold (low). Tidying house (low). Appreciating clean house (high).
Argument with neighbour about lift to Sadlers Wells (low). Trip to Sadlers Wells (extremely high). Admiring Akram Kahn (very extremely hot and therefore major high).
Sleeping badly because of rain (low). Needing loo in the night (low). Being car-less on Sunday whilst Husband plays golf in the rain in near-hurricane conditions (low). Taking kids swimming (low for me, high for them).
Tea with friends who have a fresh baby which has a very sweet head of black soft fuzzy hair and smells very fresh (high).
I watched a bit of X-factor last night (about 30 seconds before Husband rants "not this shit...") and during the first 20 seconds I realised that a friend of ours has a Simon Cowell Hair Cut (SCHC). I find this alarming. Was it intentional to have an SC? Fair enough that many older men have SC waistbands, but that's generally not intentional and just the hand of fate... but to go to a hair dresser and actually come out with a SC... I wonder how sane said friend is and whether he (at least it wasn't a woman coming out the hair dresser with an SCHC) needs to stop watching the programme. Or maybe he just needs to buy a wig. Anyway. The good thing about blokes hair is that it seems to grow quickly so maybe next time I see him he'll have a Louis Walsh or a Dermot O-Leary or a Gordon Brown. Strange though. Could be a new wave (ha ha) of do's. Thank goodness Sianiad O'Connor (click on this one all fans of 90's music...) isn't a major celebrity any more.
And so now I'm wondering if I can take my weekend early? Like, tomorrow and Wednesday? Anyone want to join me? It could be the new Simon Cowell Weekend In the Week trend.
Must go eat some food my brain cells clearly need some food.

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