Friday 12 June 2009

the day in the life of...

Friday. At last. Although the week has wizzed by like the TGV on its way to Nice (wish I was on it).
Friday chores:
1. fill car with petrol (£55...)
2. take out lots of money for phil who is waiting patiently to be paid for two weeks of work
3. pack up overnight bags for me, Husband, Mol & Liz. Dream about having matching sets of luggage from Boden. Remember why we don't have matching sets of bags from Boden. Kerching.
4. remember Mols asthma stuff & antihistamin. (she's allergic to the countryside.)
5. go do reading in Pols class for 1/2 hour
6. remember to take out lots of money for phil because i forgot to do it already
7. think about making picnic tea for kids to eat in the car as we sit in traffic on the way to Hampshire where my parents live
8. remember to pack mums cafetiere (i broke two of hers last time i was there)
9. oh! oh! oh! find someone to look after Mol & Liz after school on Tuesday because I have a job interview! hurrah. In a garden centre no less. (Subconsciously plan what to wear for interview in a garden centre? feel big discussion with wardrobe coming on...)
10. clean the house from top to toe because its covered in a thick layer of paint dust. this job will probably be postponed until next week
11. think some more about the picnic tea for the kids. ham sandwiches? crisps? some of the cast-off-brownie-crusts from yesterday's marathon bake?
12. warn mum (aka Granny Darling / Granny Garden - depending on which child is addressing her) that i need to do one more set of baking when i get to her house
13. lots more to do but no time to write about it must get on
14. make double espresso to kick start doing above list
15. stop writing
16. go to school and do the helping out
17. actually, go to the loo first and check spot situation before facing the children. i don't want to frighten anyones child by arriving looking like an uncooked pizza.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

done it again! poor old mol